Founded in 1992, KIWA builds power with immigrant workers and renters to bring about a more just and inclusive California.
One of the nation’s most established worker centers, KIWA organizes primarily Latino and Korean workers, with a focus on the restaurant and retail industries, in Koreatown and beyond.
KIWA aligns strategic worker and community organizing with policy change, leadership development, research, services, and coalition-building.
Because of their immense impact on workers' lives, KIWA also works in the areas of civic engagement, economic policy, immigration, housing policy, and land-use reform.
노동 상담소
Worker Empowerment Clinic
La Clínica de Empoderamiento de Trabajadores
직장에 문제가 있나요?
Problems at work?
Problemas en el trabajo?
For more information / Para más información/ 자세한 내용:
213.738.9050 |
세입자 권리 클리닉
Tenant Empowerment Clinic
La Clínica de Empoderamiento de inquilinos
주택 문제 있나요?
Problems with housing?
¿Problemas con la vivienda?
For more information / Para más información/ 자세한 내용:
657.347.2645 |
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Join our movement to change our workplaces and neighborhoods and transform our lives.
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Your partnership will help KIWA stand strongly with workers to fight for better conditions in the workplace and community. It takes all of us to build the neighborhood, city, and state we deserve.
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